Monday, February 17, 2020

Why Battle Royale is Bad

PUBG has its own issues when it comes to gameplay. Peaking corners in third person and camping isn't a fun way to play a shooter. Most shooters rely on mechanical skill whereas PUBG relies on out playing your enemy by camping and hugging walls. If you honestly think that PUBGs skills transfer to any other video game think again. It appeals to a certain group of people that just want to win without the fun of a video game. The only people that will defend PUBGs camping third person style are the campers themselves.
Player Base
The players in PUBG are usually toxic and not very good to begin with. Want to make a push? Too bad your duo is on the other side of the map dieing to an actually coordinated duo. You can combat this issue by squading up with friends however but it doesn't take away from the fact that the players are also toxic. Pre-game voice chat is almost a must to mute due to racial slurs and homophobic remarks screamed by teenagers. If a game is to be fun the community shouldn't be as awful as PUBGs player base.
It's ok to like a bad video game, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. But to sit here and think that PUBG is good with the optimization issues, toxicity, lack of skill, and overall boring combat is absurd.

1 comment:

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