Saturday, February 1, 2020

How to clean a frying pan

In this guide you will learn how to clean your frying pan so that it is a much more effective weapon to use on your enemies. Successfully completing the steps in this guide will ensure you many winner winner chicken dinners.
Ingredients for a clean pan
- Dirty pan
- Dishwashing liquid
- Dishwashing brush
- Hot water
Cleaning the pan
Some people may find this part a little difficult depending on their brain function and their motor functions or lack of.

1. Fill sizeable container with hot water, generally a sink is used however, a bath or other container large enough to fit a pan will work.
2. Apply a small drop of dishwashing liquid to the pan (about a tablespoon will do).
3. Submerge the pan in the water and scrub all the grease (and blood of your enemies) away.
4. Rinse the pan in hot water.
5. If the pan is still dirty go back to step 2
6. Dry the pan and put it in a place to dry
Congratulations, you have cleaned your frying pan
Now that you have a clean grease (and blood) free frying pan go and cook some pancakes (or crush the skulls of your enemies) with the frying pan. If you have followed the steps correctly your frying pan will now be bullet proof.

Now go make som

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