Sunday, March 8, 2020

PUBG Tips and Tricks!

Well PUBG is a Battle royal game done right, this game has so many unique guns and attachments to use also THEY HAVE BOATS!!!!!! This game is very fun to play yet a little hard to get used to. In this guide you will find tips and tricks to help you get started.
Getting Started.
First off once you load in the game there are 3 modes. Solo, Duo, and Squad. Solo is FFA Every man for himself, Duos is Team up with a friend and fight for the win! Squad is Fight with up to 4 teamates and win as a team! Once you startup a game and load in either it being you or a team you will load in and be found on a plane. once ready you can hit f to deploy yet i dont recomend going for crowded areas as thats where everyone will be going. Also if you look down while parachuting and hold W you will go faster. Dont deploy your parachute right as your able too, once you get around the ground it will auto deploy.
Once you get to the ground and inside a building and find a weapon such as a pistol, shotgun, smg, or AR. Once you find a gun and its appropiate ammo I recomend you either try to clear your area you dropped in or find a helmet, a backpack, and some armor. There are 3 Tiers of items. 1,2, and 3, Such as Motorcycle helmet as 1 Military helmet as 2 and Full faced military helmet as 3. backpacks as you get more just give you more space, and Armor gives you more protection to take less damage. You can use items like Medkits, Bandages, and med packs to heal up. they only heal to 75 health except the medkit. once at 75 you can use painkillers and energy drinks to heal up to max.
Gun fights.
For far range gun fights I recommend using a 4x-8x scope. they work best with AR's and Snipers like SKS or Scar-L, For close range i recomend the Holographic sight because it is good medium to close range and you can see alot. One last thing i recomend is changing you firing mode depending on where the enemy is. If they are far do single shots or burst, if they are close do Full-Auto.
This is a hard game to get used to yet it is so fun! right before making this guide I was in a squad game and we had so much fun.....Until we got 1v4ed in the final and lost.....Yet I really recomend you all play this game! Remember Have fun and Stay Slothy.

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